Content-type: text/html Manpage of QSTAT


Section: Sun Grid Engine User Commands (1)
Updated: 2003/06/04 12:13:23
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qstat - show the status of Sun Grid Engine jobs and queues  


qstat [ -ext ] [ -f ] [ -F [resource_name,...] ] [ -g d ] [ -help ] [ -j [job_list] ] [ -l resource=val,... ] [ -ne ] [ -pe pe_name,... ] [ -q queue,... ] [ -r ] [ -s {r|p|s|z|hu|ho|hs|hj|ha|h}[+]] ] [ -t ] [ -U user,... ] [ -u user,... ]  


qstat shows the current status of the available Sun Grid Engine queues and the jobs associated with the queues. Selection options allow you to get information about specific jobs, queues or users. Without any option qstat will display only a list of jobs with no queue status information.  


Displays the reason(s) for queue alarm states. Outputs one line per reason containing the resource value and threshold. For details about the resource value please refer to the description of the Full Format in section OUTPUT FORMATS below.
This option is only supported in case of a Sun Grid Engine, Enterprise Edition system. It is not available for Sun Grid Engine systems.
Displays additional Sun Grid Engine, Enterprise Edition relevant information for each job (see OUTPUT FORMATS below).
Specifies a "full" format display of information. The -f option causes summary information on all queues to be displayed along with the queued job list.
-F [ resource_name,... ]
Like in the case of -f information is displayed on all jobs as well as queues. In addition, qstat will present a detailed listing of the current resource availability per queue with respect to all resources (if the option argument is omitted) or with respect to those resources contained in the resource_name list. Please refer to the description of the Full Format in section OUTPUT FORMATS below for further detail.
-g d
Displays array jobs verbosely in a one line per job task fashion. By default, array jobs are grouped and all tasks with the same status (for pending tasks only) are displayed in a single line. The array job task id range field in the output (see section OUTPUT FORMATS) specifies the corresponding set of tasks.

The -g switch currently has only the single option argument d. Other option arguments are reserved for future extensions.

Prints a listing of all options.
-j [job_list]
Prints either for all pending jobs or the jobs contained in job_list the reason for not being scheduled.
-l resource[=value],...
Defines the resources required by the jobs or granted by the queues on which information is requested. Matching is performed on queues. The pending jobs are restricted to jobs that might run in one of the above queues.
In combination with -f the option suppresses the display of empty queues. This means all queues where actually no jobs are running are not displayed.
-pe pe_name,...
Displays status information with respect to queues which are attached to at least one of the parallel environments enlisted in the comma separated option argument. Status information for jobs is displayed either for those which execute in one of the selected queues or which are pending and might get scheduled to those queues in principle.
-q queue,...
Specifies the queue to which job information is to be displayed.
Prints extended information about the resource requirements of the displayed jobs. Please refer to the OUTPUT FORMATS sub-section Expanded Format below for detailed information.
-s {p|r|s|z|hu|ho|hs|hj|ha|h}[+]

Prints only jobs in the specified state, any combination of states is possible. -s prs corresponds to the regular qstat output without -s at all. To show recently finished jobs, use -s z. To display jobs in user/operator/system hold, use the -s hu/ho/hs option. The -s ha option shows jobs which where submitted with the qsub -a command. qstat -s hj displays all jobs which are not eligible for execution unless the job has entries in the job dependency list. (see -a and -hold_jid option to

Prints extended information about the controlled sub-tasks of the displayed parallel jobs. Please refer to the OUTPUT FORMATS sub-section Expanded Format below for detailed information. Sub-tasks of parallel jobs should not be confused with array job tasks (see -g option above and -t option to
-U user,...
Displays status information with respect to queues to which the specified users have access. Status information for jobs is displayed either for those which execute in one of the selected queues or which are pending and might get scheduled to those queues in principle.
-u user,...
Display information only on those jobs and queues being associated with the users from the given user list. Queue status information is displayed if the -f or -F options are specified additionally and if the user runs jobs in those queues.


Depending on the presence or absence of the -alarm, -f or -F and -r and -t option three output formats need to be differentiated. PP In case of a Sun Grid Engine, Enterprise Edition system, the -ext option may be used to display additional information for each job.  

Reduced Format (without -f and -F)

Following the header line a line is printed for each job consisting of
the job ID.
the priority of the jobs as assigned to them via the -p option to or determining the order of the pending jobs list.
the name of the job.
the user name of the job owner.
the status of the job - one of d(eletion), t(ransfering), r(unning), R(estarted), s(uspended), S(uspended), T(hreshold), w(aiting) or h(old).

The state d(eletion) indicates that a has been used to initiate job deletion. The states t(ransfering) and r(unning) indicate that a job is about to be executed or is already executing, whereas the states s(uspended), S(uspended) and T(hreshold) show that an already running jobs has been suspended. The s(uspended) state is caused by suspending the job via the command, the S(uspended) state indicates that the queue containing the job is suspended and therefore the job is also suspended and the T(hreshold) state shows that at least one suspend threshold of the corresponding queue was exceeded (see and that the job has been suspended as a consequence. The state R(estarted) indicates that the job was restarted. This can be caused by a job migration or because of one of the reasons described in the -r section of the command.

The states w(aiting) and h(old) only appear for pending jobs. The h(old) state indicates that a job currently is not eligible for execution due to a hold state assigned to it via or the -h option or that the job is waiting for completion of the jobs to which job dependencies have been assigned to the job via the -hold_jid option of or

the submission or start time and date of the job.
the queue the job is assigned to (for running or suspended jobs only).
the function of the running jobs (MASTER or SLAVE - the latter for parallel jobs only).
the array job task id. Will be empty for non-array jobs. See the -t option to and the -g above for additional information.

If the -t option is supplied, each job status line also contains

the parallel task ID (do not confuse parallel tasks with array job tasks),
the status of the parallel task - one of r(unning), R(estarted), s(uspended), S(uspended), T(hreshold), w(aiting), h(old), or x(exited).
the cpu, memory, and I/O usage (Sun Grid Engine, Enterprise Edition only),
the exit status of the parallel task,
and the failure code and message for the parallel task.

Full Format (with -f and -F)

Following the header line a section for each queue separated by a horizontal line is provided. For each queue the information printed consists of
the queue name,
the queue type - one of B(atch), I(nteractive), C(heckpointing), P(arallel), T(ransfer) or combinations thereof,
the number of used and available job slots,
the load average of the queue host,
the architecture of the queue host and
the state of the queue - one of u(nknown) if the corresponding cannot be contacted, a(larm), A(larm), C(alendar suspended), s(uspended), S(ubordinate), d(isabled), D(isabled), E(rror) or combinations thereof.

If the state is a(larm) at least on of the load thresholds defined in the load_thresholds list of the queue configuration (see is currently exceeded, which prevents from scheduling further jobs to that queue.

As opposed to this, the state A(larm) indicates that at least one of the suspend thresholds of the queue (see is currently exceeded. This will result in jobs running in that queue being successively suspended until no threshold is violated.

The states s(uspended) and d(isabled) can be assigned to queues and released via the command. Suspending a queue will cause all jobs executing in that queue to be suspended.

The states D(isabled) and C(alendar suspended) indicate that the queue has been disabled or suspended automatically via the calendar facility of Sun Grid Engine (see while the S(ubordinate) state indicates, that the queue has been suspend via subordination to another queue (see for details). When suspending a queue (regardless of the cause) all jobs executing in that queue are suspended too.

If an E(rror) state is displayed for a queue, on that host was unable to locate the executable on that host in order to start a job. Please check the error logfile of that for leads on how to resolve the problem. Please enable the queue afterwards via the -c option of the command manually.

If the -F option was used, resource availability information is printed following the queue status line. For each resource (as selected in an option argument to -F or for all resources if the option argument was omitted) a single line is displayed with the following format:

a one letter specifier indicating whether the current resource availability value was dominated by either
`g' - a cluster global,
`h' - a host total or
`q' - a queue related resource consumption.
a second one letter specifier indicating the source for the current resource availability value, being one of
`l' - a load value reported for the resource,
`L' - a load value for the resource after administrator defined load scaling has been applied,
`c' - availability derived from the consumable resources facility (see
`v' - a default complexes configuration value never overwritten by a load report or a consumable update or
`f' - a fixed availability definition derived from a non-consumable complex attribute or a fixed resource limit.
after a colon the name of the resource on which information is displayed.
after an equal sign the current resource availability value.

The displayed availability values and the sources from which they derive are always the minimum values of all possible combinations. Hence, for example, a line of the form "qf:h_vmem=4G" indicates that a queue currently has a maximum availability in virtual memory of 4 Gigabyte, where this value is a fixed value (e.g. a resource limit in the queue configuration) and it is queue dominated, i.e. the host in total may have more virtual memory available than this, but the queue doesn't allow for more. Contrarily a line "hl:h_vmem=4G" would also indicate an upper bound of 4 Gigabyte virtual memory availability, but the limit would be derived from a load value currently reported for the host. So while the queue might allow for jobs with higher virtual memory requirements, the host on which this particular queue resides currently only has 4 Gigabyte available.

If the -alarm option was used, information about resources is displayed, that violate load or suspend thresholds.
The same format as with the -F option is used with following extensions:

the line starts with the keyword `alarm'
appended to the resource value is the type and value of the appropriate threshold

After the queue status line (in case of -f) or the resource availability information (in case of -F) a single line is printed for each job running currently in this queue. Each job status line contains

the job ID,
the job name,
the job owner name,
the status of the job - one of t(ransfering), r(unning), R(estarted), s(uspended), S(uspended) or T(hreshold) (see the Reduced Format section for detailed information),
the start date and time and the function of the job (MASTER or SLAVE - only meaningful in case of a parallel job) and
the priority of the jobs.

If the -t option is supplied, each job status line also contains

the task ID,
the status of the task - one of r(unning), R(estarted), s(uspended), S(uspended), T(hreshold), w(aiting), h(old), or x(exited) (see the Reduced Format section for detailed information),
the cpu, memory, and I/O usage (Sun Grid Engine, Enterprise Edition only),
the exit status of the task,
and the failure code and message for the task.

Following the list of queue sections a PENDING JOBS list may be printed in case jobs are waiting for being assigned to a queue. A status line for each waiting job is displayed being similar to the one for the running jobs. The differences are that the status for the jobs is w(aiting) or h(old), that the submit time and date is shown instead of the start time and that no function is displayed for the jobs.

In very rare cases, e.g. if starts up from an inconsistent state in the job or queue spool files or if the clean queue (-cq) option of is used, qstat cannot assign jobs to either the running or pending jobs section of the output. In this case as job status inconsistency (e.g. a job has a running status but is not assigned to a queue) has been detected. Such jobs are printed in an ERROR JOBS section at the very end of the output. The ERROR JOBS section should disappear upon restart of Please contact your Sun Grid Engine support representative if you feel uncertain about the cause or effects of such jobs.  

Expanded Format (with -r)

If the -r option was specified together with qstat, the following information for each displayed job is printed (a single line for each of the following job characteristics):
The job and master queue name.
The hard and soft resource requirements of the job as specified with the -l option.
The requested parallel environment including the desired queue slot range (see -pe option of
The requested checkpointing environment of the job (see the -ckpt option).
In case of running jobs, the granted parallel environment with the granted number of queue slots.

Enhanced Sun Grid Engine, Enterprise Edition Output (with -ext)

For each job the following additional items are displayed:
The project to which the job is assigned as specified in the -P option.
The department, to which the user belongs (use the -sul and -su options of to display the current department definitions).
The deadline initiation time of the job as specified with the -dl option.
The current accumulated CPU usage of the job.
The current accumulated memory usage of the job.
The current accumulated IO usage of the job.
The total number of tickets assigned to the job currently
The override tickets as assigned by the -ot option of
The override portion of the total number of tickets assigned to the job currently
The deadline portion of the total number of tickets assigned to the job currently
The functional portion of the total number of tickets assigned to the job currently
The share portion of the total number of tickets assigned to the job currently
The share of the total system to which the job is entitled currently.


Specifies the location of the Sun Grid Engine standard configuration files.
If set, specifies the default Sun Grid Engine cell. To address a Sun Grid Engine cell qstat uses (in the order of precedence):

The name of the cell specified in the environment variable SGE_CELL, if it is set.

The name of the default cell, i.e. default.

If set, specifies that debug information should be written to stderr. In addition the level of detail in which debug information is generated is defined.
If set, specifies the tcp port on which is expected to listen for communication requests.
If set, all queue names will be displayed in there full length. Most installations will use a services map entry instead to define that port.
If set, specifies the host on which the particular to be used for Sun Grid Engine communication of the qstat client resides. Per default the local host is used.


                Sun Grid Engine master host file




See for a full statement of rights and permissions.



Reduced Format (without -f and -F)
Full Format (with -f and -F)
Expanded Format (with -r)
Enhanced Sun Grid Engine, Enterprise Edition Output (with -ext)

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